Monday, December 31, 2007
2007 2 2008...!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
CEO's secrets
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Rulers are like a Chair with four legs
Friday, September 28, 2007
Strong rupee:Boon or Debacle?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Finally a dream FINAL!
And what is an important impact of rich man's game in poor man's country in this T20 WC2007?In business...
India, in fact, accounts for 80% of all money in international cricket and has a TV viewership that is 10 times the size of all other ICC member countries put together.Many sorry almost all of services industry has already got double profit,but some few industries like real time or timely making profit industries,like textile industry in india has missed it's room of profit.Actually today morning i spoke to a garment exporter,he said that,in last ODI WC2007, because of indian teams bad dispaly,their huge volume of goods spilled out and also they are already facing a big challenge of dollars tumble and its risk factors. Huh,Game is all about win and lose!!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
A tightrope walk...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Case 1: People who open the masala dosa and eat it: These are the people who are very open about their life. I have generally seen guys do this rather than girls. Some people think that it is a gross way of eating but in truth, these people are just portraying who they are and how their life is.
Case 2: People who start from both end and approach the masala later: These are the people who like to wait for the exiting things to come to their life. Sadly when the times comes, they are not too interested or just do not know how to enjoy it to the fullest. There are two types of people within this group
Case 2.1: People who do not finish all the masala: These folks just do not care as much for the fun times as they are already brought down by the harsh reality of life. The dry periods in their life has left them with so much scars that they do not want to be really happy when the time is right. They just take only as much as they needed and end their life. A very sorry state indeed.
Case 2.2: People who finish all the masala with the little dosa they have: These are the folks who just are the extremes. They just go all out in life. No matter it is dark or bright. They may not enjoy life to the fullest but they sure make sure that they get every single good and bad thing out of life. Sometimes these folks are really hard to get along with.
Case 3: People who start from the middle and proceed to both ends: These are the people who like to get right to what they think is their best part of life. Usually these guys finish of the good portions in a hurry and get stuck with nothing but worst parts of their life. The thing to note among these people is that the tendency to burn out very early in their life. Like the above case, there are two kinds of people in this group too.
Case 3.1: People who do not finish the dosa: These folks are really the saddest of people. They are the ones who tend to end their life as soon as it hits the bad patch. For them, they only need and want the best things in life and nothing more. Typically, they are not prepared or tuned to life as a whole.
Case 3.2: People who do finish the dosa: These folks are the typical human beings. We all enjoy the greatest of times in life and push the sad parts thinking about the great times in life. Typically the plate is clean and nothing is left for fate or in life. Happiness and sadness are part of life and these guys know that and are kind of prepared for it.
Case 4: People who eat the dosa making sure that the masala lasts for the whole dosa: These people are very rare. These are the people who like to attain balance in their life. It is hard to displease these people and it is hard to make them really happy. They like their balance and are very protective of it. Sadly these are the people who tend to be lonely as anyone else may upset the balance of their system. Perfectionist to the core and are very careful. These guys do not make the best company but are needed in any group to make the group from going hay wire.
Case 5: People who do not share and eat the dosa as if it is precious: These folks are very protective about their life. They do not want anyone to come and interfere in their life. They like to hide their true nature and intensions for their benefit. Beware of such people as they are in every group for their own need and nothing else.
Case 6: People who offer their first bite to others: These guys are overly friendly. They do anything to be part of a group and make everyone feel like the group is important than the individuals. They go out of their way to help other friends.
Case 7: People who take one or two bites and then offer the dosa to others: These guys care about friends and friendship but they take their time to get into the group. These guys like to always be in the side lines and typically do not jump into anything in life. They always take their time to analyze the situation and then make a decision. These guys take the better safe than sorry approach.
Case 8: People who wait for others to make the offer first: Typical people I must say. They are unsure about everything. Even if they wanted to offer, they will wait till the other person offers the food first. If the other person is silent, so are these people. They are the followers. They do terrific idea, they will pitch it to someone else and get their advice before proceeding. Sadly, most of the elderly world like these types of people.
Case 9: People who offer dosa only when they cannot finish it on their own: You all may be familiar with these kinds of people. People who are very generous only when all their needs are fulfilled. These folks are selfish but at the same time not misers or greedy. They just want to satisfy themselves before they give it to the world. They are very good people who would give you the best of advices in life.
Case 10: People who offer the whole dosa and eat from others plates: These folks are other extreme. They know what they want, they get what they want but they cannot enjoy what they want. Instead they tend to settle for other things in life which satisfies the needs but does not satisfy the person completely. These guys are termed as born losers cause even when they have the thing they wanted, they can't stop others from stealing it from them.
Friday, August 17, 2007
An M.B.A or P.S.D?
useFULL one!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A Clockwork journey
Friday, August 10, 2007
With a new ingredient,after long time...
Here im, with my new ingredient. As we know that business has different dimensions. To understand all those things is not a rocket science. All needs just a small hand-shake, hola! qué tal? That’s all, I mean small attempt for your thirsty.
Here im just going to explore knitwear industry from my experiences with various garment Industries in Textile valley of India, Tirupur. I had search for a good site/blog, which explore more about this industry, but I ended up with grandé disappoinment. Finally I decided to write, my blog may not be a platform to exposure to the apparel industry, be that as it may give some idea about this money mint industry…i have planned to write regularly and in series form with the name of TEXTILE TREASURE.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Politics is essential for leadership
What makes an organization more effective?
Is there any creative idea?Definitly....but it may not be an innovative,but i feel it ll help till some extent.Actually one of my friends was discussing about to increase his organization performance.Finally our discussion ended up in vain.
After carefully involving with his organization,my mind was seeking for a creative idea.As an extension of this search,it concludes that implementing POLITICS in organization.Yes,i mean that exactly.Definitly i can say that most of the times developement is a result of 'active politics'.
"Political skill is a key component of effective leadership. By avoiding or ignoring workplace politics, you are limiting yourself and your organization." Ferris, a management and psychology professor at Florida State University and co-author of Political Skill at Work.So it is time to re-think your idea of politics.Politics goes on in all organizations and has forever.
Fine,If politics is a good for an organization,then why does it have such a bad connotation?
Most of the people thinking politics as a system provides advantage to them and dis-advantage to others.We need to change our understanding of politics and search that what benefits the individual may provide good for others and the organization overall.Core competence is not just about ability of performance in operations; it is tied to various issues, including the way people position themselves,communication flow, and their interpersonal behavior.So politics is about understanding how to emphasize yours and others skills, behaviors and qualities to be effective; it's about adapting.It's not about doing something that is false or being trustworth-less. Leaders need to be able to exert influence in a manner that does not appear or feel manipulative.
Monday, June 04, 2007
1.Product line
Leaders can sometimes get away with marketing a broad line of products and services, especially if they have a powerful brand name like Sony,General Electric.What should others focus on?If you are not a Jack-of-all-trades,focus on what you are very strong.That create a brand image.According to Al Ries and Laura Ries,this is called Law of Contraction.
2.Company name
Try to make company name is a unique and different name. Furthermore it has chance to communicate with customers.It's better if it gives some message about your product or service.
3.Attribute of the product
To build a powerful brand, you need to stand for something in the prospect’s mind.
For example,if you see cars
Toyota means reliable,
Lexus for luxury,
Volvo for safety,
BMW for driving and
Mercedes-Benz for prestige..
So,What should your product mean?
Something,yes,Something should be there in your product which is not available with others or competitors.That is jack-of-all-trades,master in some.
Mere advertising never creates a brand.But advertising maintain brand leader in the No.1 or its existing position.If you are a No.1 brand, consumer behavior shows people will continue to choose your brand over anything else.
5.Public relations
PR used to come after branding,was HISTORY.But nowadays you never create a brand without knowing its publicity.So if you want to create a publicity,would be easily possible if you are an innovator,You must make/create a new path.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
10 Principles of Economics
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What Next ? What next? What next?
Till two years back,as a student, I had my goals,kindergarten to primary, one class to the other, then Secondary followed by Higher Secondary, then Graduation. But that goals were improved and evolved in unpredictable way.There were choices of course, but more of obvious ones.But as an engineering graduate, i experienced all kinds of fields.
When it comes to business,experience with people by interacting with their interests,habits,culture,character is a one interesting thing we never get it in anywhere.They could push you to do something different, they could let you handle clients/customers and even to get new projects, products, ideas in business.And, whatever you would be doing, you have to thank/curse your 3 E's!!Because we are doing everything with the influence of three E's-Experience,Environment,Education.
The rules and equations are definitely different in the Business as well as in professional/corporate world. But, if I stick to where I am now, I have no idea where I would land up after 10 years down the line !!
But watever it may be,"What next? What next? What next?" should be the only question to ensure your DEVELOPMENT.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
You Tube :Buzzer to management
Monday, April 09, 2007
Novels for novel business
The Goal" by Eliyahu Goldrait,is about industrial, factory production. Not exactly about manageing distinct projects. More about finding the bottle neck,style and technique in your process.
"The Deadline" by Tom Demarco, is about software development project management
And one more on software development project management is "The mythical man-month" by Fred Brooks.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I wish i would get those days back...

I used to stay in chennai,since june 2001.Now im leaving this wonderful place,yes,there is a reason for this word 'wonderful'.Chennai,fascinated by its people, minds and 'hospitality'-is what they can tell us as a great message. The people here giving lives and life tools to those who are seeking those things in better from their bitter experiences.But i really miss lot of things...marina(Gandhi statue),spencers,t.nagar,Mount road,EMU,Chromepet,to name few...However i enjoyed those six years like anything with everthing!! I wish i would get those days back...
Actually,This blog has always been about optimism in words,themes.But there are lots of thing to excite or hitting heavily to my word bank in memory,but my mind agonizing to make an another attempt to re-live those days!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
GURU - A re-view of Dirubai Ambani!

Guru is about Gurukant Desai, an ambitious man. He is the kind of man who would plan to conquer the world if you given him enough time and resources, and he did.It's just an ordinarilly naratted story of highly successful businessman,yes,not a class script,but it's a highly inspirational,provoking,intoxicating and stimulating.
“Yes, I saw Guru last night and I’ve asked to see it again today and I shall want to see it a 100 times over. It is Mani’s best. And I speak as a viewer, not as a father. I have held myself back on many an occasion from commenting on my son’s work, but this time I shall not. To hell with niceties and restraint. Abhishek is incredible! I have been choked with emotion ever since I have emerged from the theatre and still am. This is a role of a lifetime for him and he has given a performance of a lifetime"-Big B's words about his son Abhishek.Its true,he scored his part well.
And A R Rahman,everyone knows,he is not a run-of-the-mill,mani's movies are very special for him.Songs,already a chart buster.Background music,simply stimulating, screams and synchronizing with movie's period and with its quality.
Totally,Guru is a film not to be missed!!