Mozart of Madras, AR Rahman's score in slumdog millionaire makes Billions of people smile and proud. Congratulations Rahman, you deserve more than this. Actually, academy should be proud that such a person receiving Oscar!! If I'm not wrong!!
After this moment, we can raise a question, why rahman and why not other music composers from India?
I had been telling constantly to my friends.. ARR's original soundtrack is improving since few years back, and no need to say about his song's, he proved when he born. All other indian musicians were failed to adopt the cultural barriers and experiment fusing traditional with contemporary instruments like layering multi-instruments in different versions of music, if i ll say in one word, "Innovation". And major thing i noticed with rahman is, there is a celebration in his music. We can name many music composers for the score in emotions of tension, regret, obnoxious, resentment, annoyance, etc but for the moments of celebration, Rahman is the best composer in music history. His music is such a celebration in many movies, its really intrude and induce our soul. That is what he did in slumdog millionaire, though this movie had lot of opportunities for emotional showcase, Danny boyle and Rahman never allowed that emotions,instead they celebrated. This treatment is really new and fresh, i feel this is the reason for such an enthusiastic acclamation in Golden globe, BAFTA, and Oscars. By the way, if anyone of our indian filmmaker had taken a world standard movie, rahman could get these awards few years back.
Then, Slumdog millionaire...there are controversies about slumdog's success. One of my friend affirms slumdog millionaire as bumdog millionaire and its highly overrated, may be...(re)views never be same.
Lets see some technical aspects of this movie.
First music, as i told, it's really awesome, but rahman did better songs before 'jai ho..'.What to do, indian filmmakers know how to make movie within formula, but doesnt know a formula to make a movie in world standard and promote it(we must accept our flaws).
Secondly, Cinematography: It seems movie's cinematographer haven't seen before such kinda slums, thats why his camera was hungry enough to show and do wonders with its angels...it may be public toilet or Daraavi slum or mumbai landscape and its buildings or children's escape from police, train scenes and so on...awesome...an art through lens!!
Third Editing, though the story has inter-linked scenes, at anymoment its a challenge to find a single mistake. So inch-by-inch, a great punch. Particularly, at the begining of the movie, anil kapoor asking g about Jamal, the cut-to police man slaps Jamal, this cut is a perfect example for editing, and sound mixing.
Lastly, Screenplay: No need to analyze, because if it is someother screenplay writer, he couldn't touch this (ordinary)story...making everyone to watch this story for two hours itself a big story!! Like Craziness with cine-stars, Liveliness of slum life and death of orphans, Cruelty of religious fights, for breaking cultural aesthetics with love beyond virgin(for indian audience??), and social issues through a TV program, and the list goes till 'Jai ho'...
Totally Jai Ho,OOOh HO..!