சுஜாதா ஒரு முறை சொன்னது நியாபகம் இருக்கிறது, அவருடைய பழைய நாவலை திரைப்படமாக எடுத்து அதை அவர் பார்த்து ஏண்டா அந்த நாவலை எழுதினோம் என்று வருந்தியதை...பரவாயில்லை, கொஞ்சம் புண்னியம் செய்திருப்பார் போல..சொர்கத்திற்க்கு சென்றுவிட்டார், இல்லையென்றால் அவரின் பிரிவோம் சந்திப்போம் நாவலை "ஆனந்த தாண்டவம்" என்ற அகோர தாண்டவமாய் ஒரு படத்தை பார்த்து, ஏண்டா இந்த நாவலை எழுதினோம் என்று நரகத்திற்குள் ஓடி ஒழிந்திருப்பார். சொர்கத்தில் நிம்மதியாக வாழ்க சுஜாதா! இதில் இன்னும் ஒரு நகைச்சுவை என்னவென்றால், சென்ற வாரம் கோவையில் பிரபல திரைஅரங்கில் வெளியிட்ட முதல் நாள் இந்த ஆகச்சிறந்த படைப்பை பார்க்க சென்றபொழுது, ஆரம்பதில் பத்து பேர் இருந்தனர், முடிவில் நான் மட்டுமே!! அதுவும் முடிவில்லாமல் தூங்கிவிட்டதால்...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
மதவாதம், அயோக்கியத்தனம், இந்திய அரசியல்
பாரதிய ஜனதா கட்சி ஒரு மதவாத கட்சி என்று கூரும் மதச்சார்பற்ற கட்சிகள் அனைத்தும் மதச்சர்பற்ற கட்சிகளா? வன்னியர்கள் ஓட்டுகள் மட்டும் வாங்கி தன் மகனை மந்திரி ஆக்கும் பா.ம.க, முஸ்லிம்களை மட்டும் வைத்து கட்சி நடத்தும் முஸ்லிம் லீக், யாதவர்களை வைத்து நடத்தும் முலாயம், லாலு, மராத்தியர்களை நம்பி நடத்தும் சரத்பவார், சீக்கியர்களால் நடத்தப்படும் கட்சிகள், வட இந்தியர்களை, ப்ராமணர்களை எதிர்து அரசியல் தொழில் செய்யும் தி.மு.க, தலித் மக்களை விலை பொருட்கள் ஆக்கி தன் சொந்த பொருட்களை பெருக்கும் விடுதலை சிறுத்தை, மாயாவதி, பாஸ்வான், இன்னும் பிற ஜாதி கட்சிகள் என இந்தியா எனும் ஒரு தொழில் நிறுவனத்தை நடத்த வகுப்புவாத, இனவாத, மதவாத பிரிவினைகளை உருவாக்கும் அமைப்புகளை(ப.ஜா.க உட்பட) மட்டுமே நம்பி நாம் நல்லது நடக்கும் என்று இன்னும் நம்பிக்கொண்டு வாக்குசாவடிக்கு சென்றால் நம் தலை விதியை யாராலும் மாற்றமுடியாது...
நாடு முழுவதும் அடிப்படை வசதிகள் இல்லை, சீரான கல்வி வசதிகள் இல்லை, சரியான பொருளாதர கொள்கைகள் இல்லை, உலகத்திற்கு உணவு அளிக்கும் விவசாயிகலுக்கு மூன்று வேலை உணவே இல்லை,
ரோடு, மின்சாரம், இன்னும் பிற இல்லை-கள்..ஆனால், Mc, RC, OC-கள் மட்டும் வீதிக்கு வீதி உண்டு!! சென்ற மாதம் முதல் இங்கே நெடுஞ்சாலை, குருஞ்சசாலை பூராவும் சாலையை மறித்துக் கொண்டு, வாகனங்களோ நம்மை போல் நடப்பவர்களோ செல்லவே முடியாமல் 100அடிக்கு ஒரு கட் அவுட்டுகள் வைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கின்றன. பிற வளர்ந்த நாடுகளில் இப்படி இல்லை, அங்கே ஜனாதிபதி பாராளுமன்றத்துக்குப் போவதற்காக யாரும் போக்குவரத்தை நிறுத்தி வைப்பதில்லை. அங்கே ஜனாதிபதிக்கும், துப்புரவுத் தொழிலாளிக்கும், பணக்காரனுக்கும், ஏழைக்கும் அடிப்படை வசதி ஒன்றுதான். சாரு, ஞாநி, இன்னும் பிற சீர்திருத்தவாதிகள் கூறியதைப் போல்(ஆனால் இவை சாருவின் கீ-போடில் இருந்து வந்த நிதர்சன வார்த்தைகள்) இந்தியாவில் உள்ள அரசியல்வாதிகள் யாவரும் (தன் அரசியல் அயோக்கியத்தன செயல்களை தானே தன் படங்களில் குறை கூறும் காப்டன், கம்யூனிஸ்டகள் உட்பட) திருடர்கள்; கொள்ளைக்காரர்கள்; பயங்கரவாதிகள்; கொலைகாரர்கள்; போலீஸை வேலைக்காரர்களாக வைத்திருக்கும் சமூக விரோதிகள். இவர்கள் செய்யாத அயோக்கியத்தனமே இந்த உலகத்தில் எதுவும் கிடையாது. கொலை, கொள்ளை, திருட்டு, கற்பழிப்பு, ஃபோர்ஜரி, தேசத்தையே காட்டிக் கொடுத்தல் போன்ற செயல்களே இவர்களின் மூலதனம். பணத்துக்கும் அதிகாரத்துக்கும் எதையும் செய்யத் துணிந்த இவர்கள் அனைவரும் தூக்கில் போடப்பட வேண்டியவர்கள்; அல்லது, நடுத்தெருவில் வைத்துக் கல்லால் அடித்துக் கொல்லப்பட வேண்டியவர்கள். இந்திய தேசத்தில் 75 விழுக்காடு மக்கள் தெருநாய்களைப் போல் வாழ்வதற்கு இந்திய அரசியல்வாதிகள் என்று அறியப்படும் இந்தக் கிரிமினல்களே காரணம்..ஒன்றிரண்டு பேர் நீங்கலாக...இதில் மாற்றுக்கருத்து இருந்தால் சொல்லுங்கள், விளக்கம் தர நான் தயார்.. அப்படி ஏதானும் இருந்தால், நீங்கள் பாகிஸ்தானை சேர்ந்த பயங்கரவாதி என்பதில் எனக்கு கொஞ்சமும் சந்தேகமில்லை!.. இதுவரை நான் ஓட்டுப் போட்டதை எண்னி வெட்கப்படுகிறேன், இனிமேல் போடுவதாக இல்லை.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
We never change!
I was passing time with my friends last evening and i coined a puzzle word "Election 2009", they said seriously, Lets speak something seriously. This is what people in India put their esteemed deeds for them. Even me too don't know the present Indian politics or pasts', but i know how the politics should be by de facto. Who bothers?..If we do, will get fever, that's our indefinite pledge. We never vote to prevent our country from Mafia's, to prevent our uncivilized culture getting most uncivilized, like this we can extend the list, but we vote to get briyani parcel or some other offers and to prevent another bigger bugler getting into the top of the power. So our citizens are solid of not being voted for us. Some times i get doubts or nightmares of people voting for US or Uganda elections in India, its ok, no use of speaking about Indian election in India. People had already decided. And why some people(these are the real difference makers to change the result of elections and our fate) don't want to vote in these Mafia's festival? Fact is, the candidates never truly reflects the changing nature of politics or governing practices and are failed to confront the substantive elements of issues we're facing day-to-day life. Do you know this makes USA as world largest democracy...India? Its largest "Flawed democracy", listed in Economist Intelligence Unit's 2008 Democracy index, based on 60 indicators like electoral process, functioning of government, civil liberties, political culture, blah-blah-blah, everything 'coz flaw-flaw-flaw. But in my index, the key difference is we Indian people. This will extent till we have to set foot for new wave of thoughts, i don't wanna tell necessarily what kinda thoughts... by the way the modern political system isn't necessarily a good thing always, perhaps if you'll understand this realistic insight of politics, or else let you be an actual intellectual Indian bum...then what?as usual, you never change, sorry we never change!! Change is never going to be a constant for our Indians in politics!
Saturday, April 11, 2009

(All characters, incidents and data's in this article are truly non-fictitious
and does reflect to any or every person alive or dead in India)
Politics in India is an entrepreneurial activity. PM is CEO, Ministers are CFO/COO's, MP's are regional/branch managers, non competing politicians/political scientists are relationship managers. Public money is all time or anytime investments, elections are Fund-raising activities, propaganda's are business promotion activities, Agenda's are easily forgettable fictional articles(Agenda, a short term word, used only before elections..), Mr&Mrs.Indian's awareness and fate are their USP, and motto?what else apart from "INDIA FOR SALE", then at last Voters/Mr.public/sanjay ramaswamies/sanjay singhanias(short term memory losers) are loyalty customers without any customer satisfaction. Political enterprise's official bank is Swiss bank and bullying other parties at street corners, CNN and NDTV is their core business..What to say about Indian politics apart from this?
Do you know how many political enterprises are there in India? 786(seven hundred and eighty six only) recognized and unrecognized political enterprises in India, it seems, according to our population we're increasing our parties...hee hee..INFLATION boss! Whether we achieved in economic growth or not, together we achieved in political growth...
Proud to be Indian.
GDP, Ex/Int. Affairs, per capita income, Forex, Education, Health, Power and all other central or state govt. issues are not part of India's growth(courtesy: INC, BJP, CPI/M, BSP, DMK's, &co enterprises)...Wow, what a corporate.gov culture!
One...sorry, two of the most frequently and most cheated-ly used and bloody caricaturistic phrases in Indian politics are "We're a secular front" and "We're democratists"...
Huh, i like this deal.
Dear public, Watch the last name of the leaders and party's inside/intra democracy, none of the 786 parties are secular nor democratic parties. So, you, me, and everyone, knows the systematic hierarchy and the business model of these political enterprises, but still we're making ourselves as(s) fools. Changes are always constant, it never change, but still we restrict changes..however, the real fact is, "changing" is one of the easiest task that i have known. So what? I have constant income+perks, shelter, car, entertainment chains, lifestyle, wife, keep,...and then for what else i should search?...see, thinking cells are always ridiculous...If i ll think about Indian politics, i ll end up in front of the voters booth with my vote been voted by my co citizen. Such a great citizens we are...free..
So what's my conclusion? To whom to vote myself?
Still you need conclusion?? huh..crazy....okey, vote? As usual, here in my constituency, one of the candidates from leading front(election survey results he ll win with at least a lakh votes difference), is my family friend. So why should i vote for some other candidate? why should i bother about geographically marked fools landscape?
Last word:
Dear politicians, don't worry for your social services, now only we're throwing shoes for 25 years ago crimes, you are already in the age of 70's or 80's, so be careful at the age of 95's or 105's??!!
Democracy is the government of the politicians, by the people, and for the politicians!!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Joy of Flying

Some visuals are nice to word it, but some words are very nice to visualize. Here, http://www.sramakrishnan.com/view.asp?id=251&PS=1 are such kinda words by writer S.Ramakrishnan about a documentary movie "Winged Migration" and its making. More than five hundred crew members, fourteen cinematographers, three directors, twenty scientists, six bird researchers, seventeen pilots, forty countries and over four years to shoot...and budget? over 100 crores for this documentary, hard to believe? Must believe and appreciate this creation. I too watch movies constantly, but not a few of them are documentaries, almost none, this article/review insist me to watch such ones.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Parliment elections and Tamil cinema Industry
I got an sms on Parliament elections 2009 to whom to vote in Tamil nadu, its a perfect election galatta comedy as per my knowledge. It goes like this...
Jayalalitha, vaiko, karunanidhi are in a helicopter..Karunanidhi drops 100 rupees and says i made one tamilian happy! Vaiko drops two 50 rupees and says i made two tamilian happy! Then Jayalalitha drops 100 one rupee coins and says i made 100 tamilians happy! Watching this pilot says i ll stop this helicopter now so that 6 crore tamilians will be happy..then final touch was, sender suggested us to vote for Vijakanth, so that he wont act in movies, Tamil cine industry ll also be saved!...
Hee hee, no one can change our fate!
And I also like Charu nivedita's words about elections, தேர்தல்: மாஃபியாக்களின் திருவிழா, Election: Mafia's Festival...
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Postmodernism, a buzz word and critical concept in art which is hard for me to get a definite form of it. There are many moments after rare experiences of sensory aesthetic creations, i heard about people saying 'postmodernism'.. So i google-d(this too a postmodernism!) with so much curiosity...What does it mean? Does it be categorized?A cultural and ideological and intellectual configuration variously defined, with different aspects like Irony, playfulness, black humor, Pastiche,nIntertextuality, Metafiction, Poioumena, Historiographic metafiction, Temporal distortion, Technoculture and hyper-reality, Paranoia, Maximalism, Minimalism, Faction, Fabulation, Magic realism, with a general phenomenon emphasized by distrust of theories and ideologies and by drawing of attention to conventions...The theories or an art can't be simply reduced to "postmodernism" without controversy, and yet the arguments are drawn on and criticized very often in the name of what goes by the "postmodern"...Who cares? We have some other important works instead of knowing philosophies like gossiping about bloody Indian politics with sipping of Mc's, RC's or OC's with soda and pickle or talking about IPL, or watching intellectually censored latest cleavage cut and pelvic movement Indian movies, or discussing about the co-human(!) with another co-human, the list will extend till all Indians will stop these evergreen moments or more...so i too have stopped to write about this kinda puzzling terms, but while i come across, i got an interesting article...
Friday, April 03, 2009
Metamorphic Movies 5

Cinema may be a dream industry, but its manufacturing factory is our human life. We have had come across enough of feelings in multiple experiences. Oscillations are feeling's triggering point. Either you have to stand at least any one of the side, but wherever you stand, the feel about its anti-side will definitely drag inside, that's life...though you take new path, the dilemma/oscillations about conventional or being straight still disturbs you..the de facto solution is, either you have to die or should blame on fate or temporary escape. Here, my views are all about blood and flesh in bomb culture, an universal culture in information age.The makers Hany abu-asaad and santosh sivan had came across such a culture, we too, but these two allowed this culture to alter their inner molecules and it creates a riveting movies. Paradise Now and The Terrorist have rare insight about human mind in suicide bombers. Both movies focuses on Bombers, what and how would be their last days/moments before going to accomplish their mission.
Paradise Now, story about two life-long friends sayed and Kaled, and their mission of being suicide bombers. It starts with their present life, approach of terrorist/handlers on the previous day of mission(if it was some few days back, definitely they could have changed mind...a perfection), last supper on sayed's home, his sleepless night, goodbye's, instructions on how to behave before the mission and their looks, pledge with god, who will pick up them in Israeli territory, why he picks up them, where will they go after mission(heaven!!), on what time-interval each of them should detonate...then mission starts, immediately the oscillations too started..the expressions of the beginning stage of oscillations on sayed's face is astonishing. Then twist arises when they flee after Israeli army men in territory, then Kaled returns but Sayed runs away, again sayed tries to make an attempt in public bus but after watching a child in the coach, he changes his mind. Now kaled gets a time bound one day task of finding Sayed, he done eventually in Sayed dad's graveyard when he is about to detonate upon his frustration out of love(with suha, she flings off to retain his conscience when she knows their plan), life, fate, fear, family, and his dad's reluctance. Again twist, both bombers are in handlers place, then Sayed promised for another attempt on next day morning itself. At last, what? End only...
I like its ending, it is left with the viewers conclusion to determine whether he blast or not with a long zoom-in shot on sayed terrified eyes on the coach of Israeli's soldiers. Like this movies end, i like soderberg's "Traffic" movie end, my all time favourite, an awesome movie about drug traffic in US, i read a quote somewhere, I'm not sure about where, but phrase goes like this..' an art should not conclude or provide solution, the determination of an art lies in on its existence, not on its completeness', a complete words on in-complete art. Traffic, explores the intricacy nuances of the drug trade from a number of perspectives: an user, an enforcer, a politician and a trafficker, whose life affects each other even though they're unknown to each other. Movie's allure lies in on layering all the aspects/factors involved on illegal drug business without any definite conclusion, but maker was clear about the vision/message he wants to pass. He doesn't want to make about addicts, but gives a conspicuous bare view about drug traffic. Undoubtedly, a dream movie for me if i would allow to make a movie!
Next one, The Terrorist, is ever most beautiful and one of best movies from India. Its all about a suicide bomber, Malli, a young woman, whose entire family members has been sacrificed for the mission of that terrorist groups vision and now, she is selected for a suicide assassination of a political VIP, then she is on the mission, travels to the nearer place where the incident going to carried out, instructions are uploading constantly, operational plan is ready, everything is fixed, parallely she gets to know the life outside the terrorist group while staying with normal people(with a farmer's family and its surroundings) for her mission, their growing relationship changing her slowly but it is too late, also her thoughts denying to accept the new life...A gradual increase of Protagonist's moral dilemma through her true love at war field, and life's greater meaning through the farmer and his wife haunts her decision other way...totally, its an incomprehensible make. And enchanting and reverential music spoiled the tempo of the movie. And cinematography, no doubt, santosh sivan is the best Indian cinematographer, but he could have shown little bit ugly, i mean he romanticised the way he crafted the protagonist. But no issue, definitely its a Visual treat! And dialogues, while dialogue-ing this movie, he forgets the reality of its content, may be the maker doesn't want controversies with provoking dialogues(cleverly avoided! இந்திய தணிக்கை துறை-யின் மீது பயமோ, தயவோ, என்னவோ...வாழ்க இ. த. து! ஏது எப்ப்டியோ, தமிழில் இப்படி ஒரு படம் வர தமிழ் என்ன தவம் செய்ததோ! தமிழ் படைப்புகளின் ஆகச்-சிறந்த படைப்பு...நம் மக்கள் ஒரு நூறு பேரேணும் பார்திருப்பார்களானால் சந்தோஷ் சிவனுக்கு அண்ணா, பெரியாருடன் அனைத்து வீதிகளிலும் சிலை வைத்து கொண்டாடி இருப்பார்கள்..பாவம், என்ன பாவம் செய்தாரோ..ஹீ ஹீ ), however its too holding back the harrowness of the movie. But overall, the treatment of the movie is breathtaking, gripping too..
Huh, Why i like these movies? These are the movies with the witness of distinguishing the real life and real death, a violence inside the mind, and about an unfeigned martyr.
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